Staying up late
Public transportation
Meeting new people
Newspapers & magazines
Water Sports
Desserts and cakes
Spend time alone
Famous people
Science classes
Science Class
Work or study
Pen and Pencil
Part2 题目汇总(加粗题为高频题)
Describe a friend who is a good leader
Describe a person who taught you something
Describe a family member you spend most time with.
Describe a person you are happy to know
Describe an old person you know and respect
Describe a person in the news who you want to meet.
Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future
Describe a sport that you would like to try for the first time
Describe a successful small company
Describe a uniform (in school or company) you wear
Describe a film that made you think a lot
Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the Internet
Describe a piece of important news you got through a text message
Describe a film you would like to share with your friends
Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important
Describe a goal you set that you tried your best to achieve
Describe an application (program) you usually use on your phone
Describe a large company that you are interested in
Describe something you bought that was difficult to use at first
Describe a change that can improve your local area
Describe a souvenir you bought
Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed
Describe a time when you were excited
Describe a (long) car journey you went on
Describe an experience when you enjoyed an indoor game in your childhood
Describe a trip that has been delayed for a long while.
Describe an interesting animal you saw
Describe a time when you helped someone
Describe a performance you watched recently
Describe a time you are surprised to meet a friend
Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise
Describe an occasion you wore the best clothes
Describe a time you got lost in a place you did not know
Describe an occasion when the weather prevented your activity
Describe a time when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone.
Describe an art exhibition you recently saw
Describe a time when someone apologized to you
Describe the biggest challenge you have faced
Describe a volunteering experience you have had
Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result
Describe a time when you learned from a mistake you made
Describe a time when you missed an appointment
Describe a time when a family member asked you for help
Describe an occasion when you wasted your time
Describe a team where you were a member
Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution
Describe a city or town you enjoyed visiting and would like to visit again
Describe a place where you are able to relax
Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about
Describe a crowded place you have been to.
Describe a new public place you would like to visit
Describe an ideal house or apartment you want to live in.
Part 1:
本次考试想来分析一下fish这个题,上课的时候会有很多同学反应看到这个题,不知道应该说什么。就对于鱼的态度也一般,对于鱼肉也没什么特别的感觉,几个题目的展开完全不知道应该怎么说啊。这里拿where can you see fish来举例,可能很多同学的第一反应回是aquarium水族馆或者是local market,然后这个问题就戛然而止。这里建议具体聊一聊可以看到什么鱼,但是请不要报菜名式的列举。可以尝试吐槽一下有很多长得很丑的鱼一看就不好吃之类的,从内容的角度来丰富一下答题,而不是做一个异常纯粹的“点菜员”。
本季度的part 2题目整体的难度并没有特别高,属于都可以说点什么,但会很容易流于俗套。比如“Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise”,这里其实很容易想到说 汽车鸣笛 或者是 广场舞,然后平铺直叙地讲一次堵车或者是晚上写作业被吵的经历。这样当然可以,但是相比之下,半夜开黑的舍友是不是会很有代入感,后面feelings的部分会不会一下子文思全涌。 毕竟,无论有没有带你一起开黑,都可以双方亲切祖安一波。
而这样的场景,必然会比前面一开头就知道结尾的大众模板要更容易进一步展开细节,具体的情绪也会更容易描述。建议各位考生,仔细地回顾一下日常生活,贴近一下口语考试口语化、生活化的特点来describe your life而不是describe everybody’s life。
S1 咨询场景/ S2 运动中心开业/ S3 讨论21世纪新发明/ S4 美洲阿拉斯加移民
S1填空/ S2 选择+搭配/ S3 选择+搭配/ S4 填空
S1:Policy number:
- wx717435t
2.30 April
3. bike
6. keyboard is broken
7 .family
- train
- seat
10 report
- what purpose for this activity/new course? C. Celebrate the opening of the dance studio
- What day is the most popular day for this centre? B. Weekday evenings
- How can guests get a discount? A. Book in advance
- What is the special offer? A. Free training hour with a coach
15. Why did they win an award?
C. offering professional advisers
16. Why did some guests finally quit? B. did not share experience among friends
17.General training: B. the leg strength
18.Weight training: D. better concentration
19.Aerobic training: A. release stress
20.Squash: E. quick react
21. energy harvest: G. used in small electric equipment
22. thin-film solar panel: F. can be manufactured economically
23. sports shoes: C. technology from space
24. wind turbine: A. meets energy demand globally
25. hi-tech fruit package: D. improve their quality
26. Electric sports car: B. better appearance
27. Svalbard global seed Vault in the North Pole innovation’s feature?A. store the seeds and kept them stable
28. who can use these seeds? C. countries that buried seeds in them
29. man said why he can not do this presentation A. he has limited knowledge
30. why not take this innovation as the topic of their presentation C. money can be used in better ways
- ice
32 animal
33 teeth
34 resources
35 weapons
36 boats
37 plants
38 climate
39 navigational
40 current
本次雅思听力考试整体难度偏难,语速较快。S1考察的是一个人申请索赔自己的笔记本电脑的场景,包含了字母+数字,日期,金额等相关的信息,考察到的词汇难度不大,主要是语速比较快S2考察的是运动中心开业典礼的场景,又是人文场景,题型也是非常高频的选择+搭配 S3考察的是关于21世纪新发明的讨论,又是选择+搭配题,整体语速也较快S4是关于美洲阿拉斯加先民移民,整体词汇不难,除了 navigational 这个单词可能平时不常使用。剑雅真题里有很多类似的场景,练习的时候要做精听。本场考试需注意选择+搭配的组合形式,平时要加强练习。参考剑桥练习:剑11Test3 Section2;剑11Test4 Section3;;剑10 Test4 Section3
备注: 本场考试四个部分。填空选择比例20:20。题型方面,S1 10道填空题,主要考察咨询场景,类似申请索赔保险之类的场景可以多练习;S2选择+搭配,这个月考察频率相当高的组合形式,平时一定要加强练习,熟悉做题的方法S3选择+搭配,平时一定要熟悉学习生活的场景,遇到语速快的题练习精听S4考察笔记填空,学术类讲座专业性较强,建议平时遇到不同的场景都可以练习精听,整理同义替换,积累相关的场景词汇。
1. 场景方面:场景方面依然是主流场景(咨询、旅游生活场景、课程讨论、学科探讨和讲座),在接下来的考试中,考生还应将重点放在S1咨询,租房,求职 ,S2旅游,活动及公共场所设施介绍,S3课程讨论及论文写作,S4各类学科探讨和讲座。
2. 题型:本次考试题型设置较常规。S1,S4填空为主;S2,S3单选/多选和配对为主。
3. 机经:如需参考机经,以2015-2018年机经为主。
大作文:Some people argue that the government should not pay for money for international aid when there are some disadvantaged people (homeless, unemployed) at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
- 本次考试难度较高。
- 整体分析:
Task 1:静态表格,连续第4次表格了,今天的表格信息比较多,分了3个表,一共呈现18个数据,类似于朗阁第8版高分范文78页的那个满意度调查结果图表。图表之间信息没有较大关联的情况下,可以一图一段。
- A doubles B.
- people aged… are the main supporters of…, leading with X%.
- A is the leading …, accounting for X%, followed by B(Y%).
Task 2 国际援助话题,难度较高,考生逻辑容易局限在要“先自救”。
分析点评:今天的雅思写作task2,是个老题,有在网络找到原题但是没有查到具体考过的日期。也考过类似话题如:Many people think that countries have a moral obligation to help each other, while other argue that the aid money is misspent by the governments that receive it, so the international aid should not be given to the poor countries in the world. Discuss both.
主体段1:让步题干观点:当本国存在很多社会问题的时候,人民不愿意支持政府投资对于其他国家的国际援助。When the unemployment rate is high in the country people of this country needs a decent economic structure. They would not support that the government supply aid and money to other poor countries. They would expect their problem to be sorted out first.
首先,一个国家永远会有失业和无家可归的人群,不管这个国家多发达多富有。是否有unemployed不能作为能否救助其他国家的标准。Unemployment and homelessness are not the criteria for giving aid or not since a certain degree of unemployment and homelessness exists in every country even the developed countries like USA and UK.
其次,国家之间是有相互合作的关系的。国家之间应该有“社交”,并且经济会相互影响。Most aid in directly helps the donor country, for example, in terms of commercial access and cheap labor force.
此外,除了直接给慈善机构捐款,国际援助有非常多的形式,例如自然灾害后的志愿者服务。Fro natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis, the aid can be in the form of a volunteer workers or providing goods needed.
- 小作文:重点关注动态图(柱图,饼图),并且复习流程图。
- 大作文:重点关注科技、媒体、社会类话题。
P1 塑料 The Development of Plastics
P2 鸟的大脑
P3 创新 Ingenuity
1. 本场考试的难度偏难,主要是选择题和配对题较多,做题时间不够,加上题目较长,对阅读速度要求很高。
2. 整体分析:三篇文章分别是社会类(P1,P3)和动物类(P2)。
3. 部分答案及参考文章:
Passage 1:塑料The Development of Plastics
The History of the Invention of Plastics
Natural polymers include such familiar substances as silk, rubber, and cotton. Plastics are artificial polymers. Plastics are used on a daily basis throughout the world. The word plastic is a common term that is used for many materials of a synthetic or semi-synthetic nature. The term was derived from the Greek plastics, which means "fit for molding." Plastics are a wide variety of combinations of properties when viewed as a whole. They are used for shellac, cellulose, rubber, and asphalt. We also synthetically manufacture items such as clothing, packaging, automobiles, electronics, aircrafts, medical supplies, and recreational items. The list could go on and on and it is obvious that much of what we have today would not be possible without plastics.
In the early part of the twentieth century, a big boom occurred in polymer chemistry when polymer materials such as nylon and Kevlar came on the scene. Much of the work done with polymers focuses improvement while using existing technologies, but chemists do have opportunities ahead. There is a need for the development of new applications for polymers, always looking for less expensive materials that can replace what is used now. Chemists have to be more aware of what the market yearns for, such as products with a green emphasis, polymers that break down or are environmentally friendly. Concerns such as these have brought new activity to the science arena and there are always new discoveries to be made.
The evolution of the chemistry behind plastics is mind numbing, and the uses for plastics are endless. In the Middle Ages, when scientists first started to experiment, plastics were derived from organic natural sources, such as egg and blood proteins. It wasn't until the 19th and 20th centuries that the plastics we know today were created. Many Americans will recognize the name Goodyear, it was Charles Goodyear who began the modern-day plastic revolution when he vulcanized rubber in 1839, paving the way for the tire. Prior to his discovery, products made with rubber did not hold up well in warm temperatures or climates. Rubber is only one source of plastic, however, and three key inventors followed Good year's path and took plastic from a nearly unusable hard substance to the invaluable man-made resource it is today.
The son of a brass lock manufacturer, Alexander Parkes was born in Birmingham, England in 1813. Parkes was raised around metal fabrication. In his first job he worked as an apprentice at Birmingham's brass foundry, owned by Samuel S. Messengers and Sons. Parkes switched his attention from brass work to electroplating when he went to work for George and Henry Elkington.It was there Parkes developed his inventive spirit. Parkes’ first patent, awarded in 1841, dealt with electroplating delicate items such as flowers, but throughout his career Parkes reportedly held more than 80 patents on his works with both metals and plastics. Parkes is credited with inventing the first man-made plastic, which he patented as Parkesine in 1856. Parkes introduced this combination of nitrocellulose and solvents to England in 1862 at the London International Exhibition. While Parkesine itself did not prove to be a successful material in its original formulation, it was too flammable, it laid the groundwork for successful derivative materials from future inventors. One of those inventors being John Wesley Hyatt.
What Alexander Parkes started, John Wesley Hyatt took to the next level. Hyatt was born in Starkey, New York in 1837, and patented several hundred inventions. Hyatt's link to plastics comes in the form of the game of billiards Billiard balls were originally made of ivory, a commodity that was in steep decline in the 1800s. Most likely inspired by the $10,000 reward being offered, Hyatt took on the challenge of finding a substitute material to manufacture billiard balls. Hyatt's experiments began with a combination of Parkes' Parkesine, a solid form of nitrocellulose, and another English inventor, Frederick Scott Archer's, discovery of liquid nitrocellulose. Hyatt combined to two to create celluloid, which he patented in 1870.
Celluloid was used for numerous products, including billiard balls for Hyatt's own company rather than his former employer. Celluloid also produced false teeth, combs, baby rattles, and piano keys. Despite its replacement by newer synthetic materials in today's marketplace. Hyatt's patented version of celluloid is still used to produce ping-pong balls. There is no doubt that the invention of celluloid was the next important rung in the plastic manufacturing ladder, including the use of celluloid in film production.
Much like Parkes' invention led to Hyatt's success, Hyatt's celluloid influenced Leo Baekeland. This Belgium-born chemist paved the way for George Eastman, of Eastman Kodak, to build the photographic empire we know today. Born in 1863, Baekeland's first invention was Velox, a paper which allowed photographs to be taken in artificial light. Eastman purchased the Velox process from Baekeland for a reported $750,000 in 1899. Baekeland used that money to fund his own in-home laboratory.
Baekeland moved his experiments from photography paper to synthetic resins, and invented Bakelite, a combination of phenol and formaldehyde in 1907. Bakelite was officially patented in 1909. Bakelite was a hard, yet moldable, plastic, and was considered the product that led the world into the Age of Plastics.
Bakelite was used in everything from buttons to art deco furniture to television sets. While these items are made from different types of materials today, Bakelite is still used in the production of items such as car brakes and materials used in the space shuttle.
1. photographic
2. Bakelite
3. switches
4. Britain/ UK
5. fireproof
6. clear and glass-like
7. rigid
11. TRUE
13. TRUE
Passage 2:鸟的大脑
题型:List of Headings+名称配对(类似于人名观点的配对)(具体题目数量和文章内容待确认)
Passage 3:创新 Ingenuity
1. 本次考试的难度应该是7月复考以来难度最大的一场考试。虽然P1是旧题,17和18年都考过,很多同学在机经中也做到过,但主要原因是本场填空题数量少,出现了人名观点配对的衍生版本,前后句配对和List of Headings题型。本月每场考试都出现了配对题,特别是人名观点配对。我们之前也一再强调要注意前后句配对的题型主要搭配形式和做题思路,终于在这场考试种出现,并且是剑桥真题种常见的篇章搭配形式。Heading题这是本月第二次出现,在接下来的备考中还是要重点预警。
2. 下场考试的话题可能有关社会类,动物类和管理类。
3. 重点浏览2016到2018年机经。