2019年10月26日雅思考试写作回顾 |
小作文:静态柱图 大作文:Some people think that private companies and individuals, not the government, should pay to clear up the pollution they produced. To what extent do you agree or disagree? |
朗阁老师点评 |
1. 本次考试Task 1是一幅静态柱图,讲述上学比例的变化。总体难度一般。 2. Task 2 环境类,总体难度一般。 3.整体分析: Task 1: 1.注意对比差异;2.注意静态图比较的表达句型要丰富多样;3 注意总概述的特点总结。 相关表达: 1. 比较 The figures for A are much higher than those for B. The proportion of A is far higher among the younger age groups. A noticeably higher proportion of A 2. 表示比例 Around 80% of students 3. 上学 attend school/go to school 类似题目请参考高分范文(第八版)p61. Task 2: 环境类 题型:同意不同意 题目翻译:有的人认为私营企业和个人,而不是政府,应该为清除他们制造的污染买单。 题目解析: 此题考察环境类问题。难点在于审题和词汇。审题时要细心耐心不要轻敌,遇到熟悉的题不要因太激动忘记仔细看题而丢分。环境类话题的词汇若平时有所准备,那么考试会轻松许多。 做题时首先注意审题,关键词是private companies and individuals,not the government和pay to clear up the pollution they produced。注意回应否定词not和the pollution they produced。这道题可以同意,也可以 不同意。当然这道题不同意更好写一点。 谁制造污染谁买单,乍看之下很有道理,但是琢磨一下会发现问题没那么简单。首先,需要准确判断到底谁制造污染。判断私营企业是否制造污染相对容易,然而个人是否制造污染难以评估。毕竟污染按环境要素可分为大气污染、水体污染、土壤污染。其次,需要考虑谁有能力来买单。私营企业相对来说是有一定经济实力承担污染后果。然而对于个人来说,贫富差距较大,不是人人都有能力出钱治理环境污染。最后,政府的钱来源于税收,对于环境污染这种难题,有责任有能力出钱解决问题。 一、开头段观点: 虽然私营企业和大多数个人应该为他们制造的污染买单(考虑到贫困人群的经济能力,因此大多数人付钱即可,贫困人群可以只通过交税承担责任),但是政府也应该在经济在支持处理这些环境问题。While/Although private companies and most individuals should pay to reduce pollution they created, I argue that the government should also financially support dealing with related environmental problems. 二、中间主体段落:(段落论证时需要注意论点要具体明确,论据要具体充分。) (一)私营私营企业和大多数公民应该为他们制造的污染买单。Private firms and most citizens should spend money on cutting pollution they generated. (二)然而,政府也应该资助环境项目治理污染。However, the government should also fund environmental programs to fight pollution. 三、结尾 In conclusion, although private corporations should pay to cut pollution problems they produced, I consider that the government should give money to address these environmental threats. Thus, it is not practical for only those companies and residents to be responsible for coping with these tough problems. 环境类词汇总结: 减少环境问题 to reduce/cut environmental problems 减少污染 to reduce/cut pollution 治理污染 to fight pollution 造成污染 to produce/create/generate pollution 资助 to fund/financially support/give money to |
考试预测 |
1.小作文:重点关注动态图(饼图、线图和柱图)、静态图(柱图、表格为次重点,适当关注流程图)。 2.大作文:媒体类、艺术类、社会类和科技类仍然是关注的重点,同时政府类是次重点。 3.重点浏览15年和17年的写作机经,可借助《高分范文书》第7和第8版经典旧题来复习话题思路,同时参考考官范文来复习结构和语言。 |