Part2 话题汇总(加粗题为高频题)
Describe a piece of good news you received.
Describe a movie that made you laugh.
Describe a sentence or a few words from a poem or a song in your memory.
Describe an interesting tradition in your country.
Describe a photograph you took that you like.
Describe a piece of international news you have just recently heard.
Describe a part-time or short-term job you would like to do in a foreign country.
Describe a wild animal you saw.
Describe a skill that you think you can teach other people.
Describe what you think would be the perfect job for you.
Describe a kind of bag you want to own.
Describe a kind of weather that you like.
Describe an important thing for your family for a long period of time.
Describe a book you read that you found useful.
Describe an area of science you are interested in (e.g. biology, physics, chemistry, etc.)
Describe an ambition you prepared for a long time.
Describe a toy you had in your childhood.
Describe an app on your computer or mobile phone.
Describe a time when it is important to tell your friend a truth.
Describe a time that you won an award or prize.
Describe an activity that you attend occasionally but a little expensive.
Describe an occasion that you forgot an important thing.
Describe a time when you felt bored.
Describe a time when you got lost in a place you did not know.
Describe a short trip you often do but don’t like.
Describe a live sport match.
Describe a time you needed to use your imagination.
Describe an unforgettable bike trip you had.
Describe a time when you ate something for the first time.
Describe a time you made a promise to someone.
Describe the first day of school.
Describe a time when you changed your opinion.
Describe a good decision you made recently.
Describe a conversation that you were not interested in.
Describe an occasion when you waited for something (or someone) for a long time.
Describe a time when your computer had a problem.
Describe a time when you give advice to others.
Describe an art exhibition you recently saw.
Describe a time when you worked in a group.
Describe a time you first communicated with others in a foreign language.
Describe an event you experienced in which you did not enjoy the music played.
Describe an interesting conversation you had.
Describe a time when you saw a child behave badly in public places.
Describe a person you know who is intelligent.
Describe a person who you think wears unusual clothes.
Describe a polite person you know.
Describe a person who likes to help others.
Describe someone you like to visit but you don’t want to live with.
Describe an old friend you keep in touch with again after losing contact.
Describe a famous person you’re interested in.
Describe a family (not your own) you like and be happy to know.
Describe a person who shows his or her opinions openly.
Describe a person who is full of energy.
Describe a part of the city that you visited and enjoy spending time in.
Part 1:
经典必考题之hometown是一个很多学生会轻视的题目,因为大家太熟悉了。在我们整个几十年人生中,都不知道多少次给别人介绍过自己的家乡吧。我的家乡是南京,这是一个有着悠久历史的城市,有很多的名胜古迹,我爱我的家乡。这样的内容是不是也是很熟悉呢?这样的答案,汪老师完全不推荐!事实上雅思口语题很重要的一点就是给出生活化,个人化的答案。与其说一些泯然众人矣的内容,不如从自己的角度说说对家乡的看法。比如说我喜欢南京鸡鸣寺的樱花cherry blossoms,每年四月都会和闺蜜besties去看樱花。风吹落花瓣飘舞在空中的时候,那一幕实在是太美了breathtaking……这样的细节内容会给考官留下更好的印象呢。
本季度有一个话题是描述一个喜欢呆的城市一角。这题可以说是非常容易的地点类话题啦,因为可以轻易地串联学生们自己准备的核心素材。比如喜欢打游戏的人,可以说喜欢晴朗的秋天,学校长廊上,因为风清气爽适合打游戏开黑。钟爱剧本杀murder mystery game的人,可以说某个游戏中心game studio是自己的爱is my thing,热爱看电影的同学,可以和本季度的电影话题串联,说最爱德基广场deji plaza, 因为那里有全南京最好的屏幕…… 现在大家是不是有更丰富的思路了呢?
3月,春寒料峭,大家去考场的时候一定要注意保暖。可别赶路的时候着凉了,导致自己发挥不好哦~ 最后祝大家一切顺利!
S1 租房场景/ S2 待补充/ S3 农业政策和其影响的课题研究/ S4 现代工作场所调查
S1 填空 / S2 选择+地图题 / S3 选择+配对 / S4 填空
1st November
27:It is very boring
28: It is badly organized
29: It is inaccurate
30: It is out of date
32. desks
33. screens
34. share
35. security
36. space/privacy
37. health
38. energy
39. training
40. noise
Section 1描述的是关于租房场景的考察。今年以及去年整体来说,此场景考察的频率比较高,因为答案涉及到的高频考点词会和和其他场景重合,可以穿插考核。希望近期要参加考试的同学能够再次巩固相关场景单词,单词拼写务必强化。月份的拼写仍需重视,加快自己的反应速度。Section2是新题,普遍反应地图题语速仍然较快。从去年10月份到现在出题的特点来看,地图题的语速一直比其他题型快,因此建议学生在课下练习的时候可以适当将音频调整为1.25倍。Section3出现的是选择+匹配题的形式。依旧是调研内容题材,学生可以借鉴剑桥8相似背景内容的部分section3和section4单选题来进行熟悉。匹配题选项比较简单,考核的是字词之间的同义替换,占分不多,难度相比较弱。Section4的填空也是调研内容,人文社科类话题,调研的是现代工作场所。因此出现了工作场地的描述和运动类相关词汇。答案词本身不难,但是需要学生定位正确,并且能够快速捕捉题干和原文的同义替换考点。
1. 场景方面:场景方面依然是主流场景(咨询、旅游生活场景、课程讨论、学科探讨和讲座),在接下来的考试中,考生还应将重点放在S1咨询,租房,求职 ,S2旅游,活动及公共场所设施介绍,S3课程讨论及论文写作,S4各类学科探讨和讲座。
2. 题型:本次考试题型设置较常规。S1,S4填空为主;S2,S3单选/多选和配对为主。
3. 机经:如需参考机经,以2015-2018年机经为主。
P1 苔藓
P2 老师行为对学生影响
P3 足底健康
1. 本次考试难度中等。
2. 整体分析:涉及自然类(P1)、教育类(P2)、科学类(P3)。
3. 主要题型:本次考试配对题型主要出现在第二篇中的人名观点,但细节题比例依旧维持之前考试风格,且填空题型较多,相对更容易得分第一篇及第三篇无论填空还是判断,都比较好定位。
4. 文章分析:第一篇文章主要介绍了苔藓;
5. 部分答案及参考文章:
Passage 1:
Passage 2:
14.研究结果文件的有用性∶ 配the record was helpful 记录很有帮助15.行为心理学特点∶配tenet of behavioral psychology was learnt
16.学生课堂规则的本质∶配the rules were short and positive
17.老师的问题∶配teachers found it difficult老师发现它很难
18.学生行为分类∶配student behaviors were categorized
19-20∶ 什么行为方法被使用在研究中
a) Situations. 情形法
b) Context.语境/背景法
27. teachers give rules in_positive__ manner 老师以良好方式给出规则
28. 老师忽略不恰当行为除非它是∶填harmful有害的
29. teachers gave __praise__ to students 老师给学生表扬
30.__combination__of three approaches was useful
Passage 3:
Your feet must last a lifetime, and most Americans log an amazing 75,000 miles on their feet by the time they reach age 50. Regular foot care can make sure your feet are up to the task. With proper detection, intervention, and care, most foot and ankle problems can be lessened or prevented. Use our foot health information pages to learn more common foot conditions and treatments.
Want to order printed brochures covering various foot health topics? Visit the APMA e-Store!
Arthritis is inflammation and swelling of the cartilage and lining of the joints, generally accompanied by an increase in the fluid in the joints. Each foot has 33 joints that can be afflicted with arthritis.
Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease
Today's podiatrist plays a key role in helping patients manage diabetes successfully and avoid foot-related complications.
Diabetic Wound Care
A diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore or wound that occurs in approximately 15 percent of patients with diabetes and is commonly located on the bottom of the foot.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. Your podiatrist is vitally concerned about hypertension and vascular disease (heart and circulatory problems).
Peripheral Arterial Disease
PAD is caused by a blockage or narrowing of the arteries in the legs when fatty deposits (plaque) build up. The buildup of plaque causes the arteries to harden and narrow.
Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy is damage of the peripheral nerves—the nerves in your toes and fingertips. In the United States, the most common cause of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes.
Foot & Ankle Injuries
Sprains, Strains & Fractures
The feet and ankles work together to provide support and mobility to the body. A foot or ankle sprain is a soft tissue injury. A fracture is actually a break in the bone.
Muscle & Tendon Problems
Haglund's Deformity
Haglund's Deformity is a bony enlargement of the back of the heel bone. Sometimes it's called “pump bump” because the deformity often occurs in women who wears pumps.
Heel Pain
The heel bone is the largest of the 26 bones in the human foot. Like all bones, it is subject to outside influences that can affect its integrity and cause heel pain.
Tendinitis is the inflammation of a tendon. Achilles tendinitis, or an inflammation of the Achilles tendon, is one of the most common causes of foot or ankle pain.
Skin Disorders
Athlete's Foot
Athlete's foot is a skin disease caused by a fungus. It most commonly attacks the feet because shoes create a warm, dark, and humid environment which encourages fungus growth.
Corns and Calluses
Corns and calluses are areas of thickened skin that develop to protect that area from irritation. They are usually caused by rubbing or excess pressure against part of the foot.
Psoriasis is caused by faster-than-normal turnover of skin cells. In people who have psoriasis, the new cells move to the surface so rapidly that the dead cells build up on the surface in dry, whitish-silver patches.
Skin Cancers of the Feet
Skin cancer can develop anywhere on the body, including in the lower extremities. Most skin cancers of the feet are painless, and often there is a history of recurrent cracking, bleeding, or ulceration.
Sweaty Feet
Excessive sweating of the feet is called hyperhidrosis. People whose feet sweat excessively often also have problems with excessive sweating of the palms.
Warts are one of several soft tissue conditions of the foot that can be quite painful. They are caused by a virus and can appear anywhere on the skin.
Toe Joint & Nerve Disorders
A bunion is an enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe that forms when the bone or tissue at the big toe joint moves out of place.
Hammer Toes
A hammer toe is a contracture, or bending, of the toe at the first joint of the digit, called the proximal interphalangeal joint. This bending causes the toe to appear like an upside-down V when looked at from the side.
A neuroma is a painful condition, also referred to as a “pinched nerve” or a nerve tumor. It is a benign growth of nerve tissue frequently found between the third and fourth toes.
Toenail Problems
Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails, the most common nail impairment, are nails whose corners or sides dig painfully into the soft tissue of nail grooves, often leading to irritation, redness, and swelling.
Toenail Fungus
Toenail fungus is an infection underneath the surface of the nail caused by fungi. The disease is characterized by a progressive change in a toenail's quality and color.
Shoe Inserts and Prescription Custom Orthotics
Shoe inserts are any kind of non-prescription foot support designed to be worn inside a shoe. Custom orthotics are specially-made devices designed to support and comfort your feet.
Often when pain or deformity persists, surgery may be appropriate to alleviate discomfort or to restore the function of your foot
1. 2021年3月第一场考试,难度正常,本月还未出现句子完成配对,考生应着重准备。对于本月的下一场考试,考生应沉着应对,重点练习单选题型及填空,减少定位时间,提高定位准度,对接下来的考试都是有明显帮助的。
2. 下场考试的话题可能依旧为发展史类,技术类,教育类。
3. 重点浏览2019年机经。