
Part2 汇总
Describe an occasion that you forgot an important thing.
Describe a time when you saw a child behaved badly in public places.
Describe a time when you changed an important decision you made.
Describe a volunteering experience you have had.
Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result.
Describe a time when you learned from a mistake you made.
Describe a time when a family member asked you for help.
Describe a good decision you made recently.
Describe a time when a friend told you something you are not interested in.
Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise.
Describe a (long) car journey you went on.
Describe an occasion when you wasted your time.
Describe one of your exciting events.
Describe something you enjoy doing with a group of people.
Describe a time when you worked in a group.
Describe an experience when you enjoyed an indoor game in your childhood.
Describe a time you planted a flower or a tree.
Describe a time you were scared by an animal.
Describe a time when you did not enjoy the music in an event.
Describe a time you first communicated with others in a foreign language.
Describe an activity that you attend occasionally but a little expensive.
Describe a time that you won an award or prize.
Describe an occasion you wore the best clothes.
Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed with your friends.
Describe a time when you got lost in a place you did not know.
Describe a time when you are surprised to meet a friend.
Describe an old friend you got into contact again.
Describe a person who taught you something when you were a child.
Describe an old friend you keep in touch with again after losing contact.
Describe a person you know who is intelligent.
Describe a person who likes to help others.
Describe a person you are happy to know.
Describe a friend who is a good leader.
Describe a person who is openly.
Describe a person who is full of energy.
Describe a family you like.
Describe an area of science you are interested in (e.g. biology, physics, chemistry, etc.)
Describe a skill that you learned when you were a child.
Describe a sentence or a few words from a poem or a song in your memory.
Describe a tradition in your country.
Describe a photograph you like.
Describe an ambition you prepare for a long time.
Describe a piece of good news you received.
Describe a movie that made you laugh.
Describe a book you read that you found useful.
Describe a public place you have spent the most time in.
Describe a place you visited before.
Describe a country you would like to work for a short time.
Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution.
Describe a city or town you enjoyed visiting and would like to visit again.
Describe a place where you are able to relax.
Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about.
Part 1:
这季度抽象类话题相对校多,同学们要注意去进行“抽象变具象”的转变,同时,语法比较扎实的同学在语法上可以适当使用一些高分句型。比如changes这个话题,基本上都在问你的人生有什么变化,你将来想做什么等,可以使用一些现在完成进行时have been doing sth, 虚拟语气were to do sth, could have done sth等。例如问你What do you plan to change next year,我们可以这样回答:well, I have been studying in this university for over three years, and I will graduate next June. So I am considering to further my study abroad, like probably have my master program in Britain or in Canada, which means I would have the chance to experience a life that is totally different from now. it would be awesome!
这一季有一个part2题目是令你发笑的 电影。这个题目要注意到词汇的同义替换。我们发现学生对于“搞笑”的词汇几乎都只有“funny”,这显然是不足够的。我们可以把这个词替换成hilarious, exhilarating, 也可以用人做主语用burst into laughter, 或者也可以说这部电影的某个场景cracked me up。词汇的灵活使用是雅思考察的重要环节哦~
S1 信用卡办理银行咨询服务(咨询服务类)/ S2介绍土壤科技中心/ S3 关于家谱研究的学术探讨/ S4 关于瑞典导演英格玛博格曼以及他的代表作《野草莓》的介绍
S1信息填空+单选/ S2 单选+句子填空 / S3单选+特征配对 / S4 笔记式填空
S1: 1.Murray Atkins;2. 52 Green;3.West Lake; 4.18th September; 5. 98471558; 6. 2000;7. driving license
S2: 17.two; 18. after lunch; 19. wheelchairs special buses; 20. 4
S4: 31. depth; 32. actors; 33. light 34. emotion 35.purpose; 36.words; 37.myth; 38.dreams; 39.family; 40. accept
同义替换:本场考试选择题难度适中,需注意一些常规同义替换和词组搭配。如S1选项中one year和annually的高频替换;S2中单句填空题干中中before the opening time和录音中book in advance的常见替换。S3配对题中配对选项中清一色形容词在录音中具象化同意替换的体现,这也是此类题目的难点所在,抽象的形容词程度表达,在录音中形象化的描述,需要我们建立在理解的基础上,才能实现准确的配对; S4中apply to,lack of,underline这些高频同义替换的再次出现提醒了我们,在日常基本功训练时,高频同意替换的进一步学习仍是复习的重中之重。
备注: 本场考试四题均是旧题,其中part3选项顺序与原题有出入,part4填空与原题的顺序有出入,填空与选择(含配对)比例21:19。题型方面,S1七道填空题,难度不大,但要注意特殊称谓词(包括地点等)的大小写书写规范性和数字听写的准确性,粗心是导致丢分的关键;S2单选+句子填空,稍有难度,要注意合理利用审题时间,明确定位词,以及考点词的提取,主观填空中同意替换多数还是建立在语法角度的词义置换上的,要通过日常对高频同意替换词反复的深化学习,把这个部分转化成一个尽量保证不失分的环节; S3以选择和配对为主,有一定难度,今次配对所有选项均为抽象的形容词,且在录音中大量通过举例以及形象化阐述的方式完成对于抽象形容词的置换,需要考生们真正建立在理解的角度上完成配对,是对同意替换识别和信息抓取理解能力的综合考察,难度较大。 S4都是填空题,本场考试所填写的词汇都比较的简单,注意听题时对词性词类做好预判,通过题干定位词跟上录音节奏。纵观今次整个section4,单词拼写的难度其实并不大,话题是艺术电影的大师级人物以及他的代表作的基本特点,对于这个领域不熟悉的同学,在预判词汇联想的层面可能会存在一些问题。但是应该看到考察的角度仍然是建立在跟踪定位的准确度以及同意替换的识别上,BC的考查角度仍然是传统和平稳的。
1. 场景方面:生活场景方面依旧是主流高频考察的场景(租房咨询、展览、课程讨论、植物讲座),在接下来的考试中,考生还应将重点放在S1咨询,租房,面试 S2旅游,活动及公共场所设施介绍,S3课程讨论及论文写作,S4地理历史,环保、公共百科等各类学术讲座。
2. 题型:本次考试题型很典型也很平均,主观题和客观题基本上各占一半比例,其中S3的配对和单选是同学们普遍反馈的难点所在,估计会形成重点的失分地带,究其原因还是因为一旦展开具象性同意替换的描述,很多同学就容易乱了阵脚,在形象化的表述和概括性的词汇之间,理解桥梁的架构依然是我们日常复习最后需要攻坚的一个堡垒。S4部分是常规的笔记式填空,介绍人物和话题作品对于大多数同学而言较为陌生,但是应该看到所考察填写的词汇均比较容易,并没有非常复杂生僻的词汇。最近几场考试,难度较大的题型集中体现在客观选择题和配对题上。考生应针对这些题型加大专项练习的强度。填空所填写的词汇,难度系数都不是很大,考生们要注意信息的听取与还原的准确性,尽可能多的拿下主观题的分数。对于各类配对题,一定要在日常复习中,加强精听并结合文本,进一步学习并掌握,培养自己识别各种类型的同意替换的敏感程度。
3. 机经:如需参考机经,以2016-2018年机经为主。
大作文:Today, there are many tasks at home or work has been done by robots. Is this a positive or negative development?
Task 1:动态柱图,两个年份6个国家储水量比较。
1....rank first with 数据,rising to …
2.There be a downward trend in …from… to …
3....show a different pattern with a fall in …from …to…
4.Next come 地点,.where there be a growth from… to…
5.The period from… to…witnessed a decline in ….
Task 2科技类话题,难度不高。
分析点评:今天的雅思写作task2,属于雅思写作常考话题,类似2010年1月考题,当年要求讨论机器人对社会和个人的优缺点discuss advantages and disadvantages。
主体段1:首先,机器人在某种程度上确实使得工作更加高效(make work more efficient)。事实上,现在的很多工厂,例如汽车厂(automobile factory),自动化已经被广泛应用在装配生产线上(automation has been widely used on the assembly line),机器人代替人们做大量危险而重复性的工作(replace people to do arduous and repetitive work).
主体段2:其次,由于机器人的出现(the advent of ),人们有可能拥有更多时间娱乐休闲(have more time with their families and friends for leisure and recreation)。在日常生活中,各种各样的机器人已经承担了各种家务(take charge of various housework)。(可举例说明)
主体段3:然而,因为机器人广泛使用(on account of),也随之出现社会问题(there be…)。一些人们可能在生活和工作中过度依赖机器(overly rely on…/excessive dependence on …),忽视自身能力培养(develop one’s ability)。因此,失业率上涨(the increasing rate of unemployment),不仅仅由于机器人的应用,也有个人的原因。
P1 Choice and happiness(14年6月真题)
P3 When people are deaf to music?(20年8月真题)
1. 本次考试难度偏简单。
2. 整体分析:涉及生物类(P2)、心理类(P1)、生理类(P3)。
3. 主要题型:配对题(12题)、填空题(11题)、判断题(10题)、选择题(7题)
4. 主要文章大意:
5. 部分答案及参考文章:
Passage 1: Choice and happiness
A Americans today choose among more options in more parts of life than has ever been possible before. To an extent, the opportunity to choose enhances our lives. It is only logical to think that if some choice is good, more is better; people who care about having infinite options will benefit from them, and those who do not can always just ignore the 273 versions of cereal they have never tried. Yet recent research strongly suggests that, psychologically, this assumption is wrong. Although some choice is undoubtedly better than none, more is not always better than less。
B Recent research offers insight into why many people end up unhappy rather than pleased when their options expand. We began by making a distinction between "maximizers" (those who always aim to make the best possible choice) and "satisficers" (those who aim for "good enough," whether or not better selections might be out there)。
C In particular, we composed a set of statements—the Maximization Scale—to diagnose people's propensity to maximize. Then we had several thousand people rate themselves from 1 to 7 (from "completely disagree" to "completely agree") on such statements as "I never settle for second best." We also evaluated their sense, of satisfaction with their decisions. We did not define a sharp cutoff to separate maximizers from satisficers, but in general, we think of individuals whose average scores are higher than 4 (the scale's midpoint) as maximizers and those whose scores are lower than the midpoint as satisficers. People who score highest on the test—the greatest maximizers—engage in more product comparisons than the lowest scorers, both before and after they make purchasing decisions, and they take longer to decide what to buy. When satisficers find an item that meets their standards, they stop looking. But maximizers exert enormous effort reading labels, checking out consumer magazines and trying new products. They also spend more time comparing their purchasing decisions with those of others。
D We found that the greatest maximizers are the least happy with the fruits of their efforts. When they compare themselves with others, they get little pleasure from finding out that they did better and substantial dissatisfaction from finding out that they did worse. They are more prone to experiencing regret after a purchase, and if their acquisition disappoints them, their sense of well-being takes longer to recover. They also tend to brood or ruminate more than satisficers do。
E Does it follow that maximizers are less happy in general than satisficers? We tested this by having people fill out a variety of questionnaires known to be reliable indicators of well-being. As might be expected, individuals with high maximization scores experienced less satisfaction with life and were less happy, less optimistic and more depressed than people with low maximization scores. Indeed, those with extreme maximization ratings had depression scores that placed them in the borderline clinical range。
F Several factors explain why more choice is not always better than less, especially for maximizers. High among these are "opportunity costs." The quality of any given option cannot be assessed in isolation from its alternatives. One of the "costs" of making a selection is losing the opportunities that a different option would have afforded. Thus an opportunity cost of vacationing on the beach in Cape Cod might be missing the fabulous restaurants in the Napa Valley. If we assume that opportunity costs reduce the overall desirability of the most preferred choice, then the more alternatives there are, the deeper our sense of loss will be and the less satisfaction we will derive from our ultimate decision。
G The problem of opportunity costs will be worse for a maximizer than for a satisficer. The latter's "good enough" philosophy can survive thoughts about opportunity costs. In addition, the "good enough" standard leads to much less searching and inspection of alternatives than the maximizer's "best" standard. With fewer choices under consideration, a person will have fewer opportunity costs to subtract。
H Just as people feel sorrow about the opportunities they have forgone, they may also suffer regret about the option they settle on. My colleagues and I devised a scale to measure proneness to feeling regret, and we found that people with high sensitivity to regret are less happy, less satisfied with life, less optimistic and more depressed than those with low sensitivity. Not surprisingly, we also found that people with high regret sensitivity tend to be maximizers. Indeed, we think that worry over future regret is a major reason that individuals become maximizers. The only way to be sure you will not regret a decision is by making the best possible one. Unfortunately, the more options you have and the more opportunity costs you incur, the more likely you are to experience regret。
I In a classic demonstration of the power of sunk costs, people were offered season subscriptions to a local theater company. Some were offered the tickets at full price and others at a discount. Then the researchers simply kept track of how often the ticket purchasers actually attended the plays over the course of the season. Full-price payers were more likely to show up at performances than discount payers. The reason for this, the investigators argued, was that the full-price payers would experience more regret if they did not use the tickets because not using the more costly tickets would constitute a bigger loss。
Choose when to choose。
We can decide to restrict our options when the decision is not crucial. For example, make a rule to visit no more than two stores when shopping for clothing。
Learn to accept "good enough."
Settle for a choice that meets your core requirements rather than searching for the elusive "best." Then stop thinking about it。
Don't worry about what you're missing。
Consciously limit how much you ponder the seemingly attractive features of options you reject. Teach yourself to focus on the positive parts of the selection you make。
Control expectations。
"Don't expect too much, and you won't be disappointed" is a clich. But that advice is sensible if you want to be more satisfied with life。
Passage 2:鸟类迁徙
Birds have many unique design features that enable them to perform such amazing feats of endurance. They are equipped with lightweight, hollow bones, intricately designed feathers providing both lift and thrust for rapid flight, navigation systems superior to any that man has developed, and an ingenious heat conserving design that, among other things, concentrates all blood circulation beneath layers of warm, waterproof plumage, leaving them fit to face life in the harshest of climates. Their respiratory systems have to perform efficiently during sustained flights at altitude, so they have a system of extracting oxygen from their lungs that far exceeds that of any other animal. During the later stages of the summer breeding season, when food is plentiful, their bodies are able to accumulate considerable layers of fat, in order to provide sufficient energy for their long migratory flights.
The fundamental reason that birds migrate is to find adequate food during the winter months when it is in short supply. This particularly applies to birds that breed in the temperate and Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere, where food is abundant during the short growing season. Many species can tolerate cold temperatures if food is plentiful, but when food is not available they must migrate. However, intriguing questions remain.
One puzzling fact is that many birds journey much further than would be necessary just to find food and good weather. Nobody knows, for instance, why British swallows, which could presumably survive equally well if they spent the winter in equatorial Africa, instead fly several thousands of miles further to their preferred winter home in South Africa’s Cape Province. Another mystery involves the huge migrations performed by arctic terns and mudflat-feeding shorebirds that breed close to Polar Regions. In general, the further north a migrant species breeds, the further south it spends the winter. For arctic terns this necessitates an annual round trip of 25,000 miles. Yet, en route to their final destination in far-flung southern latitudes, all these individuals overfly other areas of seemingly suitable habitat spanning two hemispheres. While we may not fully understand birds’ reasons for going to particular places, we can marvel at their feats.
One of the greatest mysteries is how young birds know how to find the traditional wintering areas without parental guidance. Very few adults migrate with juveniles in tow, and youngsters may even have little or no inkling of their parents’ appearance. A familiar example is that of the cuckoo, which lays its eggs in another species’ nest and never encounters its young again. It is mind boggling to consider that, once raised by its host species, the young cuckoo makes it own way to ancestral wintering grounds in the tropics before returning single-handedly to northern Europe the next season to seek out a mate among its own kind. The obvious implication is that it inherits from its parents an inbuilt route map and direction-finding capability, as well as a mental image of what another cuckoo looks like. Yet nobody has the slightest idea as to how this is possible.
Mounting evidence has confirmed that birds use the positions of the sun and stars to obtain compass directions. They seem also to be able to detect the earth’s magnetic field, probably due to having minute crystals of magnetite in the region of their brains. However, true navigation also requires an awareness of position and time, especially when lost. Experiments have shown that after being taken thousands of miles over an unfamiliar landmass, birds are still capable of returning rapidly to nest sites. Such phenomenal powers are the product of computing a number of sophisticated cues, including an inborn map of the night sky and the pull of the earth’s magnetic field. How the birds use their ‘instruments’ remains unknown, but one thing is clear: they see the world with a superior sensory perception to ours. Most small birds migrate at night and take their direction from the position of the setting sun. However, as well as seeing the sun go down, they also seem to see the plane of polarized light caused by it, which calibrates their compass. Traveling at night provides other benefits. Daytime predators are avoided and the danger of dehydration due to flying for long periods in warm, sunlit skies is reduced. Furthermore, at night the air is generally cool and less turbulent and so conducive to sustained, stable flight.
Nevertheless, all journeys involve considerable risk, and part of the skill in arriving safely is setting off at the right time. This means accurate weather forecasting, and utilizing favorable winds. Birds are adept at both, and, in laboratory tests, some have been shown to detect the minute difference in barometric pressure between the floor and ceiling of a room. Often birds react to weather changes before there is any visible sign of them. Lapwings, which feed on grassland, flee west from the Netherlands to the British Isles, France and Spain at the onset of a cold snap. When the ground surface freezes the birds could starve. Yet they return to Holland ahead of a thaw, their arrival linked to a pressure change presaging an improvement in the weather.
In one instance a Welsh Manx shearwater carried to America and released was back in its burrow on Skokholm Island, off the Pembrokeshire coast, one day before a letter announcing its release! Conversely, each autumn a small number of North American birds are blown across the Atlantic by fast-moving westerly tail winds. Not only do they arrive safely in Europe, but, based on ringing evidence, some make it back to North America the following spring, after probably spending the winter with European migrants in sunny African climes.
23. parental guidance
24. compass
Passage 3: When people are deaf to music?
题型: 单选题(5题)+判断题(4题)+句首句尾配对(5题)
27. What did author mention in the first paragraph?
Some people suffer from amusia can play instrument well.
28. What’s the purpose of second paragraph?
Suggesting the disadvantages of amusia.
29. What did author mention in third paragraph?
People suffering from amusia can identify melody.
30.What’s the connection between language ability and music ability?
People who can not speak can sing songs well.
31.What’s the author’s attitude toward Dr P’s research?
判断 4
32. No. P教授的研究是convincing的。
33. Yes. People suffer from amusia can identify sad music from happy music;
34. No. amusia-handwriting患有失乐症的人字写得也丑。
35. 待补充
配对 5
36. The reason why is—not yet to be understood
37. The reaction of the brain of people with amusia —is marked.
38. In culture, being good at music is — considered to be desirable.
39. People who can not speak well—can identify the tone.
40. 待补充
1. 10月的第一场考试题型搭配比较常规,可以注意到的是,选择题考了很多,既有单选又有多选,下次考试可能不会考多选。本场考察了LOH题,报名了15号考试的同学建议把重点放在段落信息匹配题上,一定要好好准备,大概率会考。下场考试还有很大概率考到人名观点配对题。填空和判断作为逢场必考基础题型肯定是要牢牢掌握的。需要注意的是summary选词填空,也大概率会在10月接下来的考试中出现,加油!
2. 下场考试的话题可能有关历史类,科学类,研究类。
3. 重点浏览2012-2019年机经。